Saturday, August 14, 2010

I've been trying different things all over the web trying to see what's legit and what's not...
Today it's FusionCash...

I just got paid to follow @ FusionCash  You can too: $5 signup bonus!

I'll post another 2 sites I'm trying far it says I'm earning the $ but have to wait till I get to a certain amount before they pay out...
Only reason I'm trying these things is I want to earn a few bucks to pay off my schooling till I get a job.

I posted my resume on monster and got a call the other day for a interview but it was from W.V. company. I asked if they noticed that I live in PA! Ugh..

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Rainy Day Inside & Out

What a rainy morning...the sun is slowly trying to peek out from behind the clouds. Along with a rainy morning outside, it calls for a 'spilly' morning inside. My 18 month old LOVES to climb on stuff and her favorite at the moment is the stool to get stuff on the counter. She climbed said stool and got my cup of tea this morning spilling it everywhere. As soon as I wipes and swiffer the mess, my 7 year old boy tips his bowl of cereal! Oi! That was all by 8:30am. I hope there are no more spills for the day, hopefully no more rain either. Momma has running to do and she don't want to get soaked doing it!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

About My Zoo

I'll let you get to know me... how did the old stats go when you went into a chat room? a/s/l?....ah...I forget. Anyways, I'm Missy, 27 yrs young and getting younger. :o> Mother of 3. Cole - 8, Gavin - 7, and Leah - 1. Engaged to a wonderful man (Larry), till April 16th 2011 then I'll be able to squeeze into a wedding dress and actually call him my husband. There is also Tyler who lives with us, that is Larry's son, my to-be stepson. He's 18.
Sometimes the time I spend on the puter I should actually be cleaning up after or chasing the 3 lil' wild animals...but then I say what's the point? As soon as I do, everything will be everywhere again, and they already chase each other enough, they don't need mom falling all over them too. That doesn't mean I don't do stuff with my kids, we are all the time taking family trips and doing arts and crafts. And even thou' I'm extremely strict and my kids hate me at times...they will appreciate everything in the end. With that said...Leah just threw her cup out of the crib and her yelling woke her brothers's time for my day to start! ~MissySue

Gonna try this whole blogging thing...

Let's see how long I can stay on the band wagon...I usually start stuff then never keep up with it because I either don't have the time or like I said I start something new which causes something to fade out of light and I never do it again. :o)